Survey Tab Redesign

Mobile App Redesign

Redesigned the survey section within the Surveys On The Go app to resolve commonly reported bugs, improve user convenience, and contemporize the visual language to meet new users' expectations.

Active User Count


Avg. Survey Start


Support Ticket Load



What is Surveys On The Go?

Surveys On The Go is a mobile app where users can take surveys in exchange for small cash rewards. The app has over 150,000 daily active users with one of the highest ratings amongst its competitors. After a decade on the app store with only minor updates, the app was overdue for some updates to better fit the app's growth over the years.

What is the Survey Tab?

The Survey Tab is the home section of the app and is where users can browse through all available surveys opportunities and select the ones they'd like to participate in. Due to limited engineering resources, this particular section of the app will be the primary focus of the redesign.


The app's design hasn't seen major updates for years, despite its features/functions having grown. The design struggles to effectively support these new additions or engage new users. This has led to higher support ticket volume, lower survey engagement, and declining user satisfaction.


A redesign of the app that will take place section by section due to limited engineering resources.

The redesign will begin with the Survey tab, updating its visual language, refining information architecture, and introducing new functionality.

Discovery Research

Existing User Behaviors

In-depth user interviews with 8 existing users were conducted to learn about how users choose which surveys to take first. The participants consisted of both new and long-term users.

When choosing a survey to take, the participants ranked Reward Amount and Survey Duration as the most important factors.

Participants would prioritize certain surveys to take first, but eventually take most, if not all of the surveys available to them.

Users requested the ability to sort surveys opportunities based on Reward Amount and Survey Duration.


Low Fidelity Wireframes

Below are the later iterations of the low fidelity wireframes. At this point, the wireframes have undergone a couple feedback sessions to align with each of the stakeholder's input and requirements.


A/B Testing

After bringing the wireframes to high fidelity, I conducted an A/B test to determine which design for the survey cards to move forward with. These survey cards are a heavily-used component in the app so I wanted to ensure that the new design would be accepted by existing users.

Due to familiarity with the old design, users preferred options A and B as the placement for the reward amount remains unchanged and on the right side. 

Most users preferred options A due to it being visually subtle and only emphasizes surveys that are special (surveys marked in green are standard/basic).

Final Designs

The Redesigned Survey Tab

Based on input from both users and stakeholders, the new design tackles the following:

  • Assigned colors/icons to indicate different types of surveys (Location, Digital, Multiphase, etc.).
  • Included survey duration within the survey cards to help with survey selection.
  • Added sorting function to allow users to sort based on highest reward or shortest duration.
  • Added tags for users to prioritize surveys needing quick quota fulfillment.
  • Separated Affiliate Surveys for clearer distinction from our internal surveys.

Updated Survey Details Screens

Prior to the redesign, the information on this screen was one long block of text. I rearranged the content to be less intimidating and more scannable. Along with the added use of color/visual assets, this gives a more light and fun feel to the survey experience.

1. Introducing Payday tab

Users who aren’t enrolled in the Payday program yet will see an intro screen, which briefly summarizes the program's benefits/value prop.

The aim is to inform users about the Payday program and motivate users to enroll in the program.

2. Improved Enrollment Process

To enroll, the program requires users to enable both Location and VPN data sharing settings. This enrollment process guides users through what each data setting is used for and aims to alleviate hesitations about sharing their data.

3. After Enrollment / Inside the Tab

Once enrolled, the tab will then serve to display the user’s progress, stats, and benefits since joining the program. All of the components within the tab work to provide transparency and improve retention.

4. Improving Retention

User retention was one of the focuses that the stakeholders really wanted to prioritize.

We learned that users who remained in the program after week 4 have a much higher chance of becoming long-term members of Payday. As a result, we introduced incentives to remain in the program after 4 weeks.

Each component is designed so that it reminds users of the benefits and further persuades users to remain in the program.

5. Improving Reactivation

With Payday now being a designated tab on the bottom navigation bar, users who are no longer in Payday will still occasionally navigate through the Payday tab inadvertently. This gives us an opportunity to motivate users into reactivation.

The Payday tab shown to the left is what users see when they are no longer enrolled. In this status, the contents are adjusted to remind users of the benefits they had while in Payday.


After launching the redesigned Survey tab, we used Amplitude to track metrics and observed positive results across the goals we defined as outlined below:

Active User Count increased


by providing a more engaging visual language, effective information architecture, and refreshed overall app experience.

Avg. Survey Start increased


by making it easier for users to pick which surveys to take and allowing them to sort by reward amount/survey duration.

Support Ticket Load decreased


by better communicating survey details and requirements, and give users ability to manage/remove glitching surveys.