

My name is Andre Lew, a product designer for about 4 years. What makes design fun for me is seeing my work lead to measurable outcomes and brainstorming solutions to make success metrics climb.

Work Life

When it comes to work, I am always excited to collaborate with others and keep an open mind to ideas. When it comes to design, I prioritize functionality and simplicity all while being focused on the expectations of my users and the business objectives. In terms of work culture, I like to have a friendly relation with those I work with as I feel it helps create a more comfortable environment for conversations, bouncing around ideas/solutions, and a positive team dynamic.

Design Process

I follow the Double Diamond process as much as the project, team, or resources allow. I kickstart my process with research by identifying both user behaviors and business objectives. After research, I collaborate with the team to align on insights, opportunities, and constraints. Then I create user flows, lofi wireframes, and hifi wireframes. I'm continuously incorporating feedback along the way. I try to fit in testing when possible however not all projects have that capacity. After a series of approvals, I put together prototypes and a finalized design file for the developer hand-off.

Personal Life

In my fun time, you can find me slurping noodles, hiking in Yosemite, or playing with my husky. Friends may describe me as someone who's easy-going and likes to make things happen. Currently living in the Bay Area enjoying the food scene and nearby nature destinations.